Video presentations with examples about our other and wide-range activities

BlockCore /

Skills and scope of products for banking industry:

  • Hundreds years of collective experience in our team of 15 people.
    Everything what business needs to go to the blue ocean of new Web 3.0 economy.
  • Lets’ BOOST & PROGRAM & MAKE LEGAL & TOKENIZE your blockchain projects in the territory of Europe.

51goShanghai / BlockCore

Video relation from the exclusive event

In April 2017 the team of 51goShanghai hosted guests from Yangzhou, Technical-Economical Zone, China, to discuss possibilities of international co-operation Europe-China, including blockchain. Currentlly a dedicated blockchain JV was established in China for execution the business.

bitSecurities /

Animation which presents idea of business tokenization

This was year 2014 – tne years before MiCA! It is  video about what we wanted do on the EU market that time – for startups, crowdfunding marketplaces and for investors. As tokenization of business. This market demand resolving market issues waited 10 years to be legally possible in the EU within MiCA.